
Dream A Little Dream

Dream A Little Dream

Music Topic:

《Dream A Little Dream》

There are some songs that, as long as theintro plays

It can touch some of your memories

Music can bring happiness, sadness,emotion, loss, and inspiration

Melodies have this amazing ability

to resonate with people's emotions

Video with strings:ROADDOG

The video

In 2017, he composed and released his solosingle "Turns on”

In 2018, Formed the first jazz band, andwas the lead singer and bassist

Each person is a passerby of each person

Passing in the neon dapples of each way

Only the music, settled into therestlessness of each soul, calm and peaceful

We are all on the road, either uneventful,or rugged

Music remains the same, faith remains thesame

To be the witness and companion of mutualgrowth on the road of music

Musician Introduction:

王璈(Wang Ao)

Independent Music Producer

Born in Xiamen in 1999, studied music sincechildhood

Participated in many music competitions andwon excellent results

Participated in the recording of manyfirst-tier artists' albums

Performing experience:

Born in Xiamen in 1999, studied music sincechildhood

Participated in many music competitions andwon excellent results

Participated in the recording of manyfirst-rate artists' albums

In 2017, he composed and released his ownsingle "Turns on".

In 2018, he formed his first jazz band, andwas the lead singer and bassist

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